Fire Emblem Engage is a turn-based role-playing game for the Nintendo Switch. As the game character Alear, you defeated the forces of evil and then slept for a millennium, only to awaken to find that new corrupt enemies have arisen. As the Divine Dragon, you must suppress the opposing forces spreading across the continent.
In this guide, we will help you to learn about the Fire Emblem and help you to learn all about the game before taking your first step.
A Quick Introduction to the World of Fire Emblem: Engage
The game is set in the region of Fódlan, divided into three major nations.
- The Adrestian Empire
- The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
- The Leicester Alliance
Players take on the role of a professor at the Officer’s Academy in the Garreg Mach Monastery, which serves as a training ground for future leaders of each nation’s military forces.
Players lead their students into battle throughout the game, developing their skills and abilities through combat and training. The game also features a complex relationship system between characters, with support conversations and character bonds playing a significant role in the game’s story and progression.
The game offers a deep and engaging gameplay experience for both long-time fans of the series and newcomers alike. With its compelling storyline, challenging battles, and memorable characters

New Engaging Story Plot of Fire Emblem Engage
The Fire Emblem series endows captivating and well-crafted storylines in every game, typically commencing with a prominent character, usually a lord, grappling with significant conflicts against powerful foes threatening the world.
Moreover, the narratives frequently incorporate remarkable political machinations, making them more mature than other Nintendo franchise games.
Fire Emblem’s plotlines are still appealing to many players. The main plot of “Engage” is pretty adventurous, “Fire Emblem” games are known for their vast world-building and large casts of characters, with many decisions for players to make throughout the game. This expansive game plot can make it challenging for players to witness every character’s ending in a single playthrough. To assist players in understanding the conclusion of the game.

Explore Your Surrounding
Understanding your surroundings is a crucial aspect of any game, and it is essential in strategy games like Fire Emblem Engage. To make the most out of your surroundings, you need to explore the map and take advantage of the different terrain types.
In Fire Emblem Engage, you will encounter different terrain types, such as forests, mountains, and rivers. These terrain types can affect your unit’s movement, defense, and attack capabilities.
For example, units on a forest tile receive a bonus to evasion, while units on a mountain tile have increased defense. Meanwhile, units on a river tile will suffer a penalty for movement unless they have a skill or item that allows them to traverse it.

Exploring The Opportunities
To explore the map, you can use the cursor to move around and inspect the terrain. The map is divided into square tiles, each with its terrain type. You can also check the terrain map by pressing a button to see a more detailed view of the terrain.
When planning your strategy, please consider the terrain and use it to your advantage. For example, if you have a unit with high defense, you can place them on a mountain tile to create a defensive line. If you have a unit with high evasion, you can place them in a forest to make them more challenging to hit.
In addition to terrain types, the map has other features to explore. Some maps will have destructible objects like barrels or walls that can be destroyed for items or to create a shortcut. There may also be hidden items or passages you can only find by exploring.
By exploring the map, you can better understand your surroundings and use it to your advantage. Whether taking cover in a forest or breaking down a wall to create a shortcut, every slight advantage can make a big difference in battle.
The Primary Hub of Fire Emblem
The Somniel is your central hub where you and your companions can unwind between missions. While returning to the Somniel is not mandatory, doing so provides access to a multitude of activities that can significantly benefit you and your allies for upcoming battles.
You can temporarily enhance your combat abilities by visiting the training yard or eating a satisfying meal at the Café Terrace. The Arena enables you to boost your characters’ skills, while the Ring Chamber offers the opportunity to inherit new abilities.
The Plaza offers an array of items for purchase, and the Armory allows you to upgrade your gear. Ignoring the numerous rewarding tasks scattered throughout the Somniel would be a disservice to your progress.
Do I Need to Play Previous Parts of the Game?
In the game, you have to collect Emblem Rings, which have the spirits of heroes from other Fire Emblem games like Lyn, Byleth, and Marth. These heroes are famous from other worlds, but you don’t need to have played their games to understand and enjoy the game.
The story of Fire Emblem Engage is unique and separate from previous games’ stories. It’s not connected to any of the other games in the series. While you’ll see familiar characters and references, you don’t need to know their previous stories to understand their roles in this game. So, even if you haven’t played any previous games, you can still enjoy and follow the story of Fire Emblem Engage.
It’s noteworthy that Nintendo honored the Fire Emblem series so much in Engage, despite not marking any major anniversary or occasion. The game isn’t attempting any particularly groundbreaking changes to the franchise. Adding classic themes and elements from earlier entries is a throwback to the series’ roots.

Choosing Your Main Character in Fire Emblem
In Fire Emblem Engage, you can choose the gender of your main character or avatar. Both male and female avatars have unique dialogue and story paths so that you can choose the gender according to your preference and playing style.
When choosing the gender of your avatar, consider the role you want them to play in the game. Each gender may have specific strengths and weaknesses that can affect gameplay. For example, male characters may have higher physical attack stats, while female characters may have higher magic attack stats.
It’s important to note that the gender you choose will also affect the romantic options available to your character. So, Depending on the gender of your hero, you may be able to build romantic relationships with certain characters in the game.
Ultimately, the choice of gender is up to personal preference and should be based on what you feel will make the game most enjoyable for you.
Give Your Characters Rings
In Fire Emblem Engage, rings boost your characters’ powers. There are two types of rings: Emblem rings and Bond rings. Emblem rings give characters the abilities of Emblems from previous games in the Fire Emblem series, while bond rings raise the stats of the character wearing them.
Equipping a ring is essential for a character to gain skill points (SP). These points are used to inherit skills from Emblems, which will make your characters more powerful in future battles. You can create rings at the Ring Chamber using bond fragments, which can be obtained from a variety of activities on the Somniel. Once you have a ring, equip it on any character before heading into battle to give them a boost.

Tips Before Selecting the Character
Choosing your avatar in Fire Emblem Engage is essential as it will be the game’s main character. Following are some tips and tricks to help you create a powerful and effective protagonist:
- Think about the role you want your avatar to play in the story. Do you want them to be a strong warrior, a wise strategist, or a charismatic leader? Consider the skills and abilities most beneficial for your playstyle and build your avatar accordingly.
- Choose a gender that resonates with you. The game allows you to choose a male or female avatar, and both have unique dialogue and story paths. So, pick the gender that you feel most connected to.
- Customize your avatar’s appearance to your liking. You can choose from various hairstyles, facial features, and colors to make your character look how you want.
- Pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen class. Each class has different abilities and stats, so choose the one that works best with your playstyle and complements your avatar’s strengths.
- Your avatar can build relationships with other characters in the game, and these relationships can give you powerful bonuses in battle. So, choose characters who will complement your avatar’s abilities and playstyle.

Your Very First Decision: Casual or Classic
Once you’ve chosen your avatar’s gender in Fire Emblem Engage, you must select your preferred playing style. The selection here means selecting a difficulty level and a mode. Choosing a higher difficulty level will offer better rewards for winning battles. But your game will become challenging as well.
If you start the game on a higher difficulty level but later switch to the easier mode. In that case, you can lower the difficulty by visiting your room at the Somniel after completing Chapter 4. However, it’s important to remember that once you lower the difficulty, you cannot increase it later in the game. Additionally, there is no difficulty level below Normal.
Selecting the Initial Game Mode
Besides selecting the difficulty level, you will also have to consider what game mode you will choose throughout the game, either classic or casual. You cannot change the game mode later in the game; therefore, you must decide before starting the main camping.
Classic Mode
Classic Mode in Fire Emblem Engage has a few exceptions to permanent death that might encourage you to try, especially if you’re not keen on permanently losing your characters. One of these is that if Alear dies, the game ends, and you’ll have to restart the battle. Additionally, some characters are essential to the main storyline and are not allowed to die. They will retreat from the battlefield if they’re defeated in battle.
In Classic Mode of Fire Emblem Engage, you can use the Draconic Time Crystal to help avoid the permanent death of your characters. You’ll receive this item at the beginning of the game, allowing you to redo any turn in battle right from the start. If one of your allies is in danger of being killed, you can press the “+” button to access the battle menu and return a turn or two to try a different strategy. This can help you save your characters from permanent death and keep them in the game.
Casual Mode
If you opt for Casual Mode instead of Classic in Fire Emblem Engage, your characters won’t die if they’re defeated in battle. Instead, they’ll retreat from the battlefield. It’s worth noting that playing in Casual Mode won’t affect the game’s difficulty, rewards, or storyline. The only difference is that your characters will survive even if defeated. So, if the idea of losing your characters (or having to rewind or restart battles to prevent it) seems too stressful, Casual Mode might be the better choice for you.

Understanding the Basics of Combat in Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem is a series of games that belong to the Tactical RPG genre. In Fire Emblem, you will need to move your army around a map with a grid-like layout and engage in turn-based battles with the enemy. Over time, the Fire Emblem series has added many new features and variations to this basic gameplay formula. One of the most notable features carried over from previous games is the Weapon Triangle. However, it works a bit differently in this in the Fire Emblem Engage. So, let’s look into additions to the game from previous installments.
Explore The Battlefield
Once a mission is finished in Fire Emblem Engage, it’s worth exploring the battlefield. You may come across animals you can adopt and valuable resources to collect. These animals, marked on the map with an orange dot, can be returned to the Farmyard and will give you more ingredients and goods.
However, you must upgrade your donation level on the bulletin board to adopt them. Additionally, you can find items on the minimap indicated by a pulsing white dot. Check each dot to find materials that you can use around the Somniel.
Once the battle has concluded, remember to interact with your allies and other characters. Engage in conversations with them, which will help you gain bond fragments used to create rings. However, if you prefer to move on quickly, you can leave the area without speaking to anyone and collect all the bond fragments in one go.

Enhanced Weapon Triangle System
In Fire Emblem Engage, the Weapon Triangle is a gameplay mechanic that affects how weapons interact in combat. The Weapon Triangle consists of three weapon types.
- Swords
- Axes
- Lance
Each weapon type is strong against one type and weak against another. Specifically, Swords are strong against Axes but weak against Lances, Axes are strong against Lances but weak against Swords, and Lances are strong against Swords but weak against Axes. This means that if a unit with a Sword attacks an enemy unit with an Axe, they will have an advantage and deal more damage.
However, if that same Sword unit were to attack an enemy with a Lance, they would be disadvantaged and deal less damage. The Weapon Triangle adds a layer of strategy to battles, as players must consider the types of weapons their units are carrying and the types of weapons their enemies are using.
Choosing the right weapon when deciding which weapon to use in a battle, there are a few things to consider
1. Enemy Types
Please take a look at the enemy units on the battlefield and determine what types of weapons they are wielding. For example, if they have a lot of Lance users, it may be wise to bring Sword users to counter them.
2. Terrain
The terrain on the battlefield can also affect which weapon is best to use. If the battle occurs in a forest or a mountain, Axes may be the best choice since they have a higher chance of landing critical hits.
3. Your Units
Consider your units’ weapons and try to balance your team accordingly. It’s always great to have a mix of different weapon types on your team so that you can adapt to different situations.
4. Special Effects
Some weapons have special effects that can be very useful in certain situations. For example, some Swords can inflict status ailments like Poison or Sleep, while some Axes have a chance to stun enemies.

Chain Attacks Mechanism
Fire Emblem Engage features a chain attack mechanism that allows players to perform multiple attacks with multiple units in a row. To initiate a Chain Attack, you must first defeat an enemy unit with a specific weapon type. This will activate the chain attack option for any other units in your team using the same weapon type.
You can choose which unit will attack next. The chosen unit will then move and attack. You can repeat the process with other eligible units until the chain attack is either ended manually or no more eligible units are available to attack.
Chain attacks can be potent, as they allow you to deal massive damage to enemies by combining the attacks of multiple units in a single turn. However, they also require careful planning and strategy, as you must consider which units to use and how to maximize their effectiveness.

Weapons Aren’t Just Their Damage
In Fire Emblem, managing your inventory is hard. Unlike other games, the inventory is not categorized, and all items are piled under a single roof without any separation. As a result, it’s natural to prioritize bringing only the most effective weapons into battle.
Before you jump into battle with what you believe to be the best weapon, take a moment to consider your options. The developers of Fire Emblem have made a conscious effort to balance weapons, so there may be better choices for your strategy than what may seem like the most powerful option at first glance.
Managing Weapon Inventory Items
There are several weapons that may not pack as much of a punch, but they can make a significant difference to your evasions and accuracy. Plus, you don’t want to overlook weapons that provide long-range attacks to your lance or axe-wielding characters. So, be bold in your decision-making process, and look at what each weapon can offer you in the heat of battle.
As we previously mentioned, managing your inventory is crucial in Fire Emblem. It’s wise to have at least two, if not three, weapons on hand at any given time. In situations where enemies surround you, your evasion stat becomes more critical, and it’s best to switch to a weapon that can boost it.
The game allows you to switch between weapons freely without any penalty. This feature is intentional, and there’s a good reason for it. So, please take advantage of it and switch your weapons strategically to gain the upper hand in battles.

Die to Fight Another Day
If defeated, you can retain all your earned experience points and attempt the battle again. Therefore, if the battle is not going as planned, it is better to send Pepsin to the frontlines and withdraw the rest of the team instead of immediately restarting.
This way, you can salvage some progress from the encounter. This tactic is convenient when you wish to adjust your gear, as you cannot utilize the Draconic Time Stone.
In case of a significant setback, conserving the earned experience and levels may be better than resetting the battle entirely. Additionally, the rewind ability has a usage limit.
This tactic is ideal for players who desire the extra challenge but want to retain a favored troop. On the other hand, for players who do not require such leniency, the game permits a reset without any experience gained. The choice is yours to make.

Team Divine Dragon – Troops’ Abilities and Skills
Every unit possesses valuable skills that will help you in the battleground. However, the most critical aspect is understanding the synergy between certain troops. For instance, when Etie employs a healing item, she receives a damage boost, while Celine gains an advantage from others healing themselves if she is nearby. You can construct tactical plans based on these skills. Nevertheless, the most notable example is Team Divine Dragon, consisting of Framme, Vander, Alear, and Clanne.
Vander provides a critical attack boost for himself and Alear when they are close. Clanne increases the accuracy of both herself and Alear when they are adjacent. Additionally, Framme enhances the evasion rate of both herself and Alear. Furthermore, being in the vicinity of The Divine Dragon provides a bonus of dealing three extra damage points while receiving one less point of damage.
And that’s not all! The members of Team Divine Dragon work in perfect harmony, creating a well-balanced team that excels both in offense and defense. It’s highly recommended that you keep them together as much as possible, especially in the game’s early stages. They are unstoppable and should not be underestimated.

Your Opponents Are Bullies They Like To Pick On The Vulnerable
If you expose one of your soldiers, the enemy will prioritize eliminating them at all costs, even if it means breaking up their formation. This strategy has two significant implications that you should be aware of. Firstly, if you’re willing to sacrifice, you can gain a tremendous advantage over the enemy.
When you leave a soldier unprotected, the enemy will divert their guards away from their bosses, leaving them open to attacks from ranged units. Their desire for a kill will ultimately lead to their downfall. This opening allows your mobile and agile troops to react as a decoy and distract the enemy while your other units attack from the side.
Another critical implication is for players who opt for permadeath. If you’re committed to keeping all of your troops alive, you’ll need to be incredibly cautious. Never assume the enemy will make the smartest decisions to win a battle. Often, they’ll take a chance to claim the life of one of your soldiers, even if it means losing the fight. So, be careful and think twice before you put your soldiers in harm’s way.

How To Get Grimy with The Draconic Time Crystal
So, you missed an attack that you were almost certain would hit. You may have had an 80% chance of success, yet you failed. It’s frustrating, right? So, what do you do? You can use your handy time-bending crystal to return and try again.
But here’s the thing – it’s not going to work. You’ll still miss, no matter how many times you rewind and try again. Why? Because the game is smarter than that. It knows what you’re trying to do and won’t let you cheat your way to victory. So, try a different approach or strategy instead of relying on the crystal. It works better for you in the end.
But don’t worry. There’s still hope for you! You can game the system if you go back a few turns and change the order of your actions. This way, the game won’t know what you’re up to, and you’ll have a new chance to land that attack. Of course, this may not work if you had a specific plan where everyone needed to act in a particular order, but this trick will usually help you overcome your bad luck.
Stat Boosting – Tonics are Cheap and Effective
At the start of the game, you won’t have many permanent stat boosters available. You can get a Cloak from the first boss and an Energy Drop in the first optional stage, but they’re challenging to come by in the first part of the game.
Once you have established your Item Shop after chapter 3, you can easily acquire tonics early in the game. Although they only provide a temporary stat boost, it is comparable to the permanent ones. Take one at the beginning of a battle, and you will be ready to tackle your foes. Additionally, these tonics are very affordable.
If you want to gain an edge in the game’s early stages, tonics might be the way to go. These cheap items give your troops a temporary boost in stats that’s just as good as some of the permanent stat-boosting items you’ll find later. Use them at the beginning of a battle to give your weaker units a fighting chance. While they aren’t unlimited, having a few tonics on hand could make all the difference between victory and defeat.

Fall Back – Not Every Day is Your
If it seems like no matter what you do, one of your troops will get killed, and you’ve already used up all your Time Crystal rewinds trying to find a solution, it may be time to consider running away. You can usually back away far enough to escape unless you’re up against a large group of mounted enemies.
Sometimes the best strategy is to elope to avoid losing a battle and potentially a valuable troop. If you find yourself in a tough spot where one of your troops is about to get killed, consider retreating. If you’re not fighting against a large group of fast-moving mounted troops, you can often back away and escape most, if not all, of your enemies.
Make sure to spread your fleeing troops out, and take advantage of the opportunity to catch the enemies off guard and pick off a few stragglers. As you run, use healing items to keep your troops alive and buy more time. This will allow other troops to hurry over and back up the vulnerable units.
In this guide, we have talked about Fire Emblem Engage in-depth and taught you the basics, so you don’t have to worry more about the game. All you need is to read the articles and learn about Fire Emblem.